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Erreur ORA-03113 sur requete BO (Bo 6.5 / Oracle 9i)

Mercredi 26 Mai 2010

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j'ai le même Pb sous BO XI R2 avez vous une idée pour resoudre ce Pb
Vendredi 5 Novembre 2010

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Bonjour sur internet j'ai trouvé cet explication. j'espère que soit outil pour vous et pour tous

ORA-03113: TNS:end-of-file on communication channel
Cause: An error has occurred on the database server.
Action: Check the alert_sid.log on the server. The location of alert_sid.log is specified by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter. An unexpected end of file was processed on the communication channel. This may be an indication that the communications link may have gone down at least temporarily; it may indicate that the server has gone down.You may need to modify your retransmission count.

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